Monday, November 28, 2022

Follow-Up to Small Business Saturday on Delmarva 2022

Thank you to everyone who "Shopped Small" this weekend! Our independent businesses are so important to the flavor and vibe of our Delmarva communities, and they bring such character to our area. Most importantly, these establishments provide jobs and essential economic benefits to our cities and towns, which in turn contribute to the vibrant and thriving place we call home.

What are some useful ideas for following up on Small Business Saturday? Be sure to acknowledge and thank your loyal fans, post updates on your social media channels, and build connections for the future. Handwritten notes are a lovely idea (suitable for any time of the year), however even a quick call or message of appreciation is a great way to express gratitude.

Here are some quick reminders for ways to keep the love for small business going. Remember - while Small Biz Sat may be the largest single-day focus on indie retailers, it's also a great wake-up call and spotlight on just how amazing our local places are! Stay in the minds of your customers and guests by reaching out to make new connections and build your circle of fellow entrepreneurs today.

Did you enjoy spending small? Here are some tips for helping out the favorite places in your neighborhood - simple actions that will have a lasting benefit.

And of course, don't forget to tell folks about great experiences they can enjoy nearby too. I'm thrilled to brag about the wonderful establishments right here in my own community, and do that every chance I get! 😀

Let's keep the connections going by remembering to visit and enjoy locally-owned restaurants, shops and service companies all year long. Our towns and cities are better off when they include a healthy core of economic activity, and those attractions in turn help to fund and keep public services such as fire departments, libraries and parks operating.

Shopping where we know the people behind the counters and companies around town isn't limited to just one day. It's an open door - and an opportunity - to make new connections, share smiles, and spread the love of small business all throughout the year. 

Thank you for stopping by my blog and I wish you a wonderful holiday season ahead!


Andrea Baumann

Growth strategies for small business & nonprofits; community-centered
resource serving the Delmarva Peninsula (DE/MD/VA). Connect with us!