Thursday, April 4, 2024

"Thoughts on Retail Changes and Consumer Shifts"

A post turned into an awesome conversation this morning on Facebook, merging two of my favorite topics; the evolution of consumer behavior, and the way in which small businesses can shine in our current environment. I'd seen the original post by Remembering Retail and normally would have just shared with my thoughts, however lately I'm fighting disappearing captions and vanishing text on Facebook so I reposted the photo below instead so I could include my message.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Welcome, April! Awareness Days and Themes for Month Four

Welcome to month four of the book titled 2024! Here we are in April, a month of change and shifting seasons, wild weather, and the time of year when we begin to morph towards the outdoors. With the return of sports, weekend events, and activities taking place, it's a challenging time for marketers to capture and keep the attention of their followers. Harnessing your social content towards daily celebrations and observances is an excellent "hook" to connect with an audience, along with lifting some of you past that dreaded "but I don't have anything TO POST" hurdle. 😁 (Don't feel bad, it happens to ALL of us at some point!).