Thursday, April 4, 2024

"Thoughts on Retail Changes and Consumer Shifts"

A post turned into an awesome conversation this morning on Facebook, merging two of my favorite topics; the evolution of consumer behavior, and the way in which small businesses can shine in our current environment. I'd seen the original post by Remembering Retail and normally would have just shared with my thoughts, however lately I'm fighting disappearing captions and vanishing text on Facebook so I reposted the photo below instead so I could include my message.

Funny thing - while I'm such a loyal advocate for independently owned and operated businesses, and would normally have mentioned that - I failed do so in my post as the photo was of a shopping mall. Fortunately, one of our followers pointed this out in her comment, and I felt the entire conversation was one worth sharing here.

Here's my post: ** due to my disappearing text problem I had to screenshot this post so I could add my comments ** EDIIT/UPDATE BELOW 👇👇

This is such a beautiful photo. I think a large part of what changed retail shopping - as a once social activity - is, of course, the arrival of online shopping, but also the amenities which made the experience so delightful began to disappear. There were once lunch counters and snack bars in many stores, bringing people in not just to purchase items, but to grab a bite to eat, thus keeping them there longer and creating an enjoyable chunk of time. With the departure of dining areas, candy counters inside of department stores, etc. I feel some of the "magic" was lost. Once the internet came along, everything changed again, and now we often have understaffed retail stores, sometimes messy and nowhere near as "showplace" like as they once were. 😕 Perhaps it's not just nostalgia speaking, but a longing for the chance to escape one's ordinary life for a couple of hours by visiting a true retail experience.

UPDATE: I am such an advocate of independently owned businesses and yet I totally failed to mention that aspect in this post. Thanks Donna for pointing it out - the small retailer of today has every opportunity to shine in the "personal touch / caring attitude" area! That is one of the many reasons I faithfully support our locally owned and operated businesses in the Delmarva area, because of their knowledge and expertise, higher quality products, great advice and personal attention to us and our purchases. Normally on a post I'd be quick to mention all this, but for some reason I didn't include it as my comments were geared more towards the picture shown of a department store/mall setting.

Why this is relevant to a blog post? (hold on, I'm getting there😁). It's no secret that small business owners have faced enormous challenges over the last several years, due to a combination of factors; the rise of online shopping, appeal of "get it all under one roof" mentality of big box stores, Covid, and the increase in social isolation. As a marketer and loyal advocate of independent businesses, a good portion of my focus centers around the vast opportunity for entrepreneurs to stand out from the rest, own the unique and charming attributes which set them apart, and provide delightful experiences to consumers.

The personal attention I receive, for example, when I visit locally owned shops or service companies, is head and shoulders above anything I could find at a corporate chain store, ranging from helpful advice given by real people who use the products they sell to folks who genuinely love what they do and live, breathe, sleep, and cherish their profession. Walking into places like these is indeed an experience rather than a transaction; it's a chance to learn and choose the very best products for my specific needs; an opportunity for conversations instead of self-checkout; destinations I'm proud to check into and share on social media to make my friends jealous! 😀 These positive interactions are not just a part of my life, they are the components and aspects which make weekly errands something to look forward to, enjoy, and value, and that is one of the best parts of living here where we do.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll check out the post on Facebook! Have a great day, friends. 😊

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