Friday, December 7, 2018

Social Media Cartoons and Humor For The Holidays

Merry Christmas! Enjoy a few funnies celebrating technology and online humor.

Rule #1: Don't send spam.

Being popular is tough.

Rule #2: Watch what you put online.

Pretty soon there is going to be an app for US.....

Ugh. The feeling of not being needed anymore.....

Ummm.....if it's that large a file, Santa's probably not bringing EVERYTHING.


The problem with "revenge reviews".

Rule #3: Not everything goes online!

Remember...."likes are just numbers".

What happened to puzzles, board games and coloring books??

Rule #4: Nothing on the internet is really safe.

It's important to get with the times.

Settings are your friend.

When hope turns into blatant advertising....

Actually, real things that we can touch and feel are NOT all bad!

Lastly, always provide quality products.

Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season to you and yours. Sincerely, Marketing Delmarva

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