Thursday, December 14, 2023

Holiday Reflections - and Kindness

Thursday, December 14th: It's just ten days until Christmas (can you believe it!!?)

Let's take a minute to acknowledge that holidays aren't always the easiest time of year. Whether in personal life or business, as an employee or marketing specialist, kindness is always a great thing especially during this month. Ask questions on your social channels (and respond to replies!), take a look at your team members, and maybe take a bit of extra time to engage a customer or client in conversation. My personal belief is that we are all here to help one another, and if each person watched out or reached out to a fellow human being, we could be someone's support or encouragement during what may be a difficult day. 🙂

I wish you a December (the remaining 17 days of it), of peace and joy. It is often said that in helping others, we find our soul, and perhaps that is not more true than during this time of the year. Encouraging or uplifting a fellow human helps us too, because spreading kindness and empathy is beneficial to all - I remember during my decades in retail, how conversations with both special customers or random strangers provided such wisdom and inspiration to my world, and that is I think, the beauty of human connections. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Andrea Baumann

Growth strategies for small business & nonprofits; community-centered
resource serving the Delmarva Peninsula (DE/MD/VA). Connect with us!