Thursday, September 15, 2022

Content Creation: Material That Matters

"The strength of your social media is determined by the strength of your content". Well, then.....who has good content? What makes posts POP or fizzle? Heck, if I knew the answer to that I would be so successful, there'd be no need to even write this post (HA HA), but it's not that simple.

Great content - the stuff that makes people stop scrolling, read it again, save and share - is not just a post, an image or couple of words. It's a thought or concept of great value to the reader; a phrase which inspires thought, stimulates creativity, or encourages one to leap up and take action of some type.

While the technical ingredients of "great material" will vary according to whom you ask, I believe it must, for the most part, be composed of one or more of the following attributes:

• be useful or helpful
• educational in nature
• amusing/entertaining
• inspire the reader
• be thought provoking

The best social media accounts I follow always provide content which hits at least one of these criteria, but there's more to it than that. Great material should leave people feeling they have obtained something of value; that they have discovered an enlightening concept, found fuel and motivation for their journey; learned how to effectively use or benefit from the product or service you offer. Think of delivering an experience every time you post - distribute valuable tidbits of information, provide knowledge, or simply entertain or delight the reader.

As marketers, we must always strive to offer top-notch, quality information, which will resonate, encourage, uplift or guide those who consume it. This, of course, means we must also encourage our clients to develop similar skills, which will allow them to pass on the same high standards of material to their followers. Remember to let your excitement show while allowing your enthusiasm to shine!

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. 👍🙂

Andrea Baumann

Growth strategies for small business & nonprofits; community-centered
resource serving the Delmarva Peninsula (DE/MD/VA). Connect with us!