Keep a positive outlook and see how much of the little aspects of running your business could be improved or refreshed during the next few weeks. Suggestions?? Visit our Facebook page to share your comments and uplifting ideas!
1) You've likely cleaned every normal surface and area of your retail store or restaurant so finish up the process by cleaning the odd places and out of the way spots.
2) File that stack of papers, invoices and catalogs that's been piling up for who knows how long.
3) Sort out and organize the supply closet, stockroom or office.
4) Review and update your Facebook page. Fill in all those little boxes under the "About" section, add links and tabs to other social accounts and most importantly, explain the story and mission of your company.
5) Reach out to two fellow entrepreneurs each day for support and conversation.
6) Update your Google My Business page. No Google My Business page? We'll get to that shortly.
7) Send a handwritten "thank you" note to some of your valued clients.
8) Step back and take a look at your store through the eyes of a customer. Do you like what you see? Is the first impression attractive and inviting? What could be improved upon?
9) Reach out to your chamber of commerce office or tourism department. Confirm your contact and business details and find out what events they have planned for later in the year. Write dates on a calendar so you can participate.
10) Connect with three new people on Twitter each day. Look for others in your industry, neighborhood businesses and area nonprofits.
11) Search online for different suppliers and look up unique vendors for new merchandise.
12) Refresh your Alignable business listing by adding photos and an upbeat message. Send invitations to local entrepreneurs and grow your network.
13) Start a routine asking your followers daily trivia questions, favorite movies, holiday memories, etc.
14) Add images of store merchandise, dining options or examples of the work your company does on Pinterest. Don't forget to share the link to your account across other channels as well.
15) Hold an online photo contest to learn more about your clients and encourage interaction.
16) Rotate store merchandise and redo front window displays for a fresh, vibrant look.
17) Brainstorm with nearby merchants about a summertime event everyone can participate in. Suggestions might be an antique car cruise, sidewalk sale, 4th of July parade or scavenger hunt.
18) Catch up on reviews you've been meaning to leave for the local places you love.
19) Start a newsletter and mailing list. Creating a monthly or quarterly publication is a great way to stay connected to your customers as well as sharing news of upcoming events or community activities.
20) Focus on the big picture (we will get through this challenging time!), and keep your eye on the long term goals by writing down ideas and plans for the future.
Shortened, printable version ~
Let me know how you are making out and managing! I'd love to hear your thoughts or feedback on ways to handle the days until life returns to normal. Don't forget to be honest about how you are feeling. Make sure to allow some time to vent to a good friend and keep a healthy perspective on everything that is going on. Most importantly, take things one day at a time and keep looking up!
Andrea Baumann
Marketing Delmarva
"Community Resources You Can Use"