Maybe this....maybe now. Maybe it's TIME to know the people who share our zipcode, do business with, shake the hand of a neighbor or friend or local resident at their establishment, shop or restaurant. Maybe we'll look back in a quarter of a century and say why ..... WHY did we think the big box stores were the greatest thing since sliced bread. Maybe we'll regret choices made out of greed because that's all we see from corporate marketing campaigns with bottomless advertising budgets, and we keep falling for the message over and over again that yes, we NEED more stuff to make our lives better and to be happier; healthier; satisfied.

Just because walmart can fill your kids up on McDonald's junk while you purchase everything under one roof and blow $300 at a pop..... that's NOT necessary better; smarter; good. It's a soulless experience lacking personal connection to the real people who live next door to you and who are the heart and soul of your community. Our choices shape our world - maybe it's time to decide what matters.
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