The American Booksellers Association (ABA): organization devoted to supporting indie bookstores by means of education, marketing support, and business services. "Founded in 1900, ABA is a national not-for-profit trade organization that works to support independently owned bookstores through education, information, business products and services; education and marketing programs; and public policy advocacy." Follow and connect @ Website || Facebook || Twitter

"Love Your Bookstore Challenge" is a movement encouraging exploration and celebration of your favorite shops. It debuted in 2018 (see the About page here), along with “Love Your Bookstore” to Celebrate Brick-and-Mortar Bookstores in November" and "Campaign to Promote Physical Bookstores Launched"

September 24th, 2019: The American Booksellers Association presented a Marketing Meetup focusing on the Love Your Bookstore challenge, which takes place November 8–17. New this year, the Love Your Bookstore campaign website has been updated with resources for booksellers that can be used online and in-store. Stores that would like printed materials and buttons mailed to them can contact the Love Your Bookstore campaign. The 2019 event launches November 8th - see #loveyourbookstore resources at: Website || Facebook || Twitter

IndieBound - "A Community of Independent Local Bookstores" describes their mission as "IndieBound is a powerful tool for booksellers to communicate their part in a national movement supporting independents--and lets everyone know just how many independent bookstores there are. It's powerful for authors to show their dedication to indies nationwide, easily done through linking to thousands of indie bookstores through IndieBound.org." Find out more @ Website || Facebook || Twitter || Bookstore Locator

I loved this image depicting many of the lovable aspects of independent retailers so much I had to include it. Website link

Go Independent, Shop Small (Anywhere USA) is a focus on small businesses and the reasons why supporting them is so important. See albums and notes on their Facebook page along with images and graphics.

Lastly, I came across this article which just resonated with the best principles of original, authentic marketing genius and thus I had to include it here. "Traveling Oklahoma: Pryor Cowboy Keeps Bookstore Tradition Alive". Family tradition in the book business is being perpetuated by Chris Hardy, a proprietor with as much character in his soul as the multitude of books on his shelves.
I hope you find these sites and organizations useful and inspiring. Thanks for following and have a great day!
Andrea Baumann
Marketing Delmarva | Online Growth, Business
Resources and "DIY Tips" You Can Use!