Monday, October 21, 2019

Best Of The Internet "The Lighter Side" | Favorite Cartoon Artists

Some of my favorite artists who make the world a brighter place! While some lean heavily towards the mirth found in our furry friends, the images created by these talented folks which poke fun at social media life, technology and marketing, are PRICELESS as well. Enjoy and share with coworkers, clients and on your social sites, because life is better when you're smiling. 

“Off The Mark” website | Facebook

Scott Metzger Cartoons website | Facebook

Glasbergen Cartoons Website | Facebook

Mutts Comics website | Facebook

Marketoonist  Website | Facebook

Off The Leash Dog Cartoons Website | Facebook

Unearthed Comics is currently on hiatus but
has great material as several different brands

On The Prowl Cat Cartoons Website | Facebook

Simon's Cat  Website | Facebook

The Gift of Nothing Day  Website | Facebook

Incidental Comics website | Facebook

Fyi, May 5th is National Cartoonists’ Day. Who are some of your favorite artists? Thanks for following my blog and I hope some of these sites make your workday a little brighter!

Andrea Baumann
Marketing Delmarva | Online Growth, Business
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