First of all, it's important to realize numbers aren't everything and having huge quantities of "likes" in no way guarantees success! However, for those seeking ways to start genuine conversations and find quality connections, we have some suggestions. Use them as a springboard to come up with even more creative ways to engage!
• Seek out others in your industry for stimulating chat and to bounce ideas off.
• Be active on your social networks - comment, like, re-Tweet, share and reblog as your business instead of your personal account.
• Ask questions relating to topics that everyone can chime in on, such as which fast food place has the best fries? What was your favorite board game as a kid?
• Like other pages and share content from others. (This is really important because I find it pretty dull when folks ONLY post their own content).
• Humor is good. Not always, but often.
• Capitalize on days of the year and special occasions such as International Rescue Dog Day or National Cat Appreciation Week to encourage your followers to post photos and comment.

• "9 Ways Businesses Can Be More Social on Social Media" First and foremost, you need to change a mindset many people have when it comes to social media: more followers = more success. While many people use their number of follower as a measurement of success, the reality is those are well.... just numbers. Focus more on useful interactions to grow your network instead.
• There’s a big downside to technology as a communication tool and that is it's often impersonal nature. So it's the people that matter? Sure is! "Why Building Relationships Is the Marketing Secret No One's Talking About"
• As a small business owner, you probably don’t have a lot of time, and while you know you need to carve out opportunities to network with other small businesses, it's easier said than done. See a few power ideas on building your tribe - and contact list @ "7 Useful Ways to Successfully Network with Other Small Businesses"

Did some of these suggestions get you thinking of new ways to reach out and make connections? What else might you add for a new entrepreneur to know? Feel free to share your thoughts over on my Facebook page!
Andrea Baumann
Marketing Delmarva
Marketing consultant | community-focused resource providing
tips, tools and growth | building brands on Delmarva.