Saturday, July 13, 2019

It's Good to Unplug: Screen-Free Reminders for Summertime

We all know social media is an awesome part of today's connections, valuable for building brands and staying in touch with our tribes/peeps/friends. Sometimes however - specifically we are thinking of vacations, family trips, beach visits, etc., - it's just good to just BE in the moment.

Beyond simply noticing the beauty found in nature, listening to the conversation around you and delighting in the smiles of your children, soaking up the calming vibes of the scenery and place you are exploring goes a long way towards restoring the soul and refreshing your mind. Here are some thoughtful images to share and repost, download and print out for your beach house or hotel room! Click on any image to view in a larger window or see the album on my Facebook page here.

One of the (many) side effects of too much online interaction can be feelings of isolation. Try talking to the people around you, face to face, instead.

Set a schedule for screen-free time zones - and enforce it for the entire family. Possible ground rules could be no phones from 6:00PM - 9:00PM so everyone can go for bike rides after dinner, walks or board games.

One of the challenges we face today is chronic reliance on digital devices, making it more critical than ever to consciously "choose to unplug".

Make an agreement with yourself to spend an hour or two (or six), without the phone in your hand.

Life is - after all - a balance. Disconnected time is good time.

Leave the phones home. Buy a kite, play with your kids at the park and go to lunch without looking at a screen!

Photos don't have an expiration date so they can wait. Post them later, tomorrow, or next week - so you can be here now.

Do more awesome things that make you forget to check your phone.

It IS possible to drown in electronic stimulation and social media overload! Discover the freedom of setting aside specific blocks of time each day for tuning into real life experiences

Now, go make some fun posters explaining goals for this summer, turn the gadgets off and go outside. Ahhhh. Isn't that better?

I hope this post inspires you to "take back your time" and create some new rules for yourself as well as the folks around you. Learning how to set boundaries and ways to manage technology is a great lesson for young folks that will help them to prioritize "needs vs downtime" later on in life. Enjoy finding freedom from your devices!

Andrea Baumann
Marketing Delmarva

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