Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Work - Life Balance Challenge | Life as an Entrepreneur

Fact: work responsibilities are simply part of having a business. Every day, decisions must be made for the good of a company, while at the same time fulfilling commitments to family and loved ones. But how many things should we be juggling anyway?

Last night on Instagram I came across this post from an entrepreneur, maker, and artist, musing over work, business growth, personal time and the need to draw lines. That's a very real and tangible aspect for so many individuals; the challenge of devoting enough effort to building a brand, while at the same time making things that matter in our lives a priority as well. See my comments below and view the thread here:

My response to @overandunderweaving: "It's definitely a difficult line to draw, especially when you love what you do. I've been there and experienced exactly what you are talking about - vividly recalling being so worried to set boundaries back when I was in retail myself. Working long hours as well as producing much of my own inventory, I was determined to do it all, which we know isn't really sustainable; yes, I burned myself out again and again while trying to have everything. Looking back I wish I'd gone ahead and drawn those lines up front, because once you allow the business to run you, it becomes very difficult to reclaim your time."

If I had that situation in production/retail/store management to do over again, I think I'd have opted for a more balanced approach to allow room for growth, creativity AND the moments that matter. Our personal lives cannot just be set up on a shelf or paused during crazy times in business - sure, one needs to keep perspective in mind, such as as when the biggest order comes in and filling it on a tight deadline requires sacrifices, late nights and rescheduling of normal activities - sometimes you have to do that to make the company work. Knowing you will face such decisions in your pursuits as an entrepreneur, be prepared to assess and prioritize to maintain your sanity; don't skip every important family dinner of course, but realize when you have to be firm and stick to your guns about a late night here and there as needed.

I hope you found value in this short reflection on becoming a master juggler while wearing all of the entrepreneurial hats that will come your way. For more tips and reflections on small business and marketing, follow Marketing Delmarva on the social channels below. Thanks for reading!

"Building brands on Delmarva", along with providing my
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