Monday, July 6, 2020

Resources For Life | Inspiration on Leadership

A simple blog post highlighting some of the attributes of being a good leader and inspiring a team. Perhaps you will find wisdom in these quotes to share with others, or maybe just save the link for future reference. To download any image, just click on the picture to open a larger version in a new window, and then save to your device.

Although many people believe they can learn to inspire others, such skills are not easily replicated. One cannot just copy actions of a successful person or repeat the same words to their team unless sincerity is at the heart of their actions, because people will see right through such efforts.

Be aware of the lesson you are teaching, always.

More "us; team; together" - less "me, myself and I".

If you lack the confidence to remain quiet and let the actions of a group speak for themselves, you may come across as one who craves and perpetually demands the spotlight. It's not about you; it's about the team.


The best people I've known in roles of leadership have not been yelling and screaming and hyper about "winning" - just quietly, powerfully, motivational. They are the ones who don't seek attention or crave the spotlight, choosing instead to hang back a bit and allow others to shine and develop confidence.

Being able to work together is quite possibly one of the most important elements of a successful group.

You're going to have to be someone who can set the pace and exemplify the standard.

If you don't feel the sense of teamwork in your heart, or have not developed an inner gauge of respect for others, it will be very difficult, if not impossible to come off as a truly inspiring leader.

Everyone must be equally enthusiastic about contributing.

Sometimes good leaders are just ordinary people, not even defined with a title but who quietly inspires others.

Some of the most challenging situations I can recall, stick with me today not as a negative experience but rather "a moment of clarity" where I began to realize what draws the line between leadership and just being a control freak.

People who inspire others have a special quality which can't be faked or made up. They generally have the confidence to remain quiet and to let the actions of a group speak for themselves, rather than being insecure and needy or craving the spotlight.

Great leaders tend to give off an energy and vibe which makes people eager to follow them.

It is indeed, about the entire result.

I hope you found these thoughts and images useful to guide and inspire your group or team. Thanks for following!

A. Baumann
Marketing Delmarva

"Building brands on Delmarva", along with providing my community with valuable tips, tools & resources. Connect @