The idea was born out of my love for family-owned and operated establishments, and of course, the delicious corn. Few business models are being threatened these days as much as the family farms of America, and yet we have a generation being raised to assume that food comes from a super-center big box retailer or worse, is delivered by Amazon.

June 22nd: Doing a little feature each week during the summer called #farmfreshFriday. The goal is to highlight products from a farm in the area as well as encouraging us all to branch out and buy local. Today is amazingly delicious corn picked up at Produce 54 in southern Sussex County, Delaware! What is on your list to purchase this weekend?

June 29th: It's Week Two of our grassroots "Buy fresh and local" campaign. We're asking what you have purchased from an area farm in your community - fresh produce, local milk or ice cream from a dairy farm or other products which are grown nearby. Share a photo or tag us in your post!#farmfreshfridays

I'm looking forward to keeping you in the loop of my progress to get out and explore the nearby food sources of my area - and I'd love to hear from you as well! Visit my Facebook page to comment on the posts and share your efforts to also "buy fresh" while investing in the local growers of our communities.
Are you interested in this topic as well? Here are a few resources I've found useful to read and share with others (I'll add more as I find the other links I want to pass on): Restoring rural America: community building in the modern era and The Importance of Supporting Local Family Farms.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day!