Although many people believe they can learn to inspire others, such skills are not easily replicated. One cannot just copy actions of a successful person or repeat the same words to their team unless sincerity is at the heart of their actions. People will see right through such efforts which then discredit anyone attempting to shortcut the process towards success.

The best people I've known in roles of leadership have not been busy yelling and screaming about "winning". They are just quietly, powerfully, motivational - perhaps while still being the brains behind a great idea - but without needing to leap up on a table and proclaim "It was I who did this great thing".

Inspiring people posses something that can't really be faked or made up. They generally have the confidence to remain quiet and to let the actions of a group speak for themselves, rather than being insecure and needy or craving the spotlight.

If you don't feel the sense of teamwork in your heart, or have not developed an inner gauge of respect for others, it will be very difficult, if not impossible to come off as a truly inspiring leader.

If you are lucky enough to have experienced the best, hold those times and memories close to you as they will provide you wisdom for a lifetime.

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